Unplug Your Phone or Face the Consequences

Unplug Your Phone or Face the Consequences

It’s something that most of us do regularly, however several recent incidents have highlighted the dangers of using your phone while it’s charging. Gabbie Fedro was using her LG d500 when the charger overheated, causing second-degree burns. The parents of the teenage girl heard screams from their daughter’s room, seconds before the young girl emerged … Read more

Common household cleaner linked to respiratory infections in children

Common household cleaner linked to respiratory infections in children

According to the scientists, a household chemical lurking in your cleaning cupboard or laundry room may be causing respiratory infections in your children. What is this caustic and dangerous chemical? It’s bleach, which is commonly used to disinfect areas, whiten clothes, remove stains, and more. This new research published online in Occupational & Environmental Medicine … Read more

Tips for Reshaping your Body

Tips for Reshaping your body

Cardiovascular activity on machines, for example, treadmills and activity bicycles blazes a larger number of calories than lifting weights, so is it only a misuse of exercise centre time to add quality preparing to your workout? The basic answer is no. Working your muscles and in addition your heart and lungs can enhance your wellbeing … Read more

Security Needle

Safety Needle

Before the late 1990s or early 2000s nurses, doctors and other medical personnel were putting themselves at risk while using a syringe. In many cases recorded through decades medical staff have been infected by various diseases and recently by HIV due to used needles that penetrate into their skin. In the movie ‘Puncture’ (2012) a … Read more

The Ugly Side of Boxing

The Ugly Side of Boxing

Sometimes boxers can get a little carried away with themselves with the best boxing gloves when they are in the ring with a rival. Tempers flare, rude words are exchanged, dirty looks are sent back and forth across the ring, and on the rare occasion someone looses their mind and does something crazy like bite … Read more

Dangerous Medicine

Dangerous Medicine

Various “risky medications” have been in the news as of late. These reports began to surface when Congress was having hearings about the painkiller, Vioxx. A Nourishment and Medication Organization staff part affirmed before Congress that there are wellbeing worries around a few medicines. These solutions are Accutane, Arava, Bextra, Celebrex, Crestor, Lotronex, Meridia, and … Read more

Standard Chinese Medicine


Best from the Alternative Medicine Courses Standard Chinese’s medication is one of the oldest medicine regimens from the alternative medicine courses, which are present for the really extended time, and they may be here to help once the other choices for the therapy from the diseases will not be doing work. They may be close … Read more