You may be uploading Windows 10 across the globe right now

If you’ve recently updated to Windows 10, you may have missed Windows Update Delivery Optimization (WUDO).

WUDO is Microsoft’s answer to a torrenting client, which sits innocuously in the background of your computer, quietly uploading pieces of Windows 10 to share with PCs across the globe.

While it’s an innovative way to distribute both apps and system updates, many users would prefer not to have their system working for Microsoft.

Whether you’re concerned about your bandwidth or the security implications of being linked in with so many PCs, you should know that WUDO comes automatically enabled as a default. If you’d like to change that, here’s how:

  1. From the Start Menu, select ‘Settings’
  2. Click ‘Update & Security’
  3. From the left column, choose ‘Windows Update’
  4. On the right column, hit ‘Advanced options’
  5. A new right pane will open. Select the option to choose how updates are delivered.
  6. The default setting will display in the pop-up. Move the slider of ‘Off’ to disable WUDO.

Choose How Updates are Delivered

(image source:

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