Additional Features of Google – The Search Engine of Choice

Although there are other search engines, millions of people use Google to search.  At the moment it is the most responsive and the company continually develop new and better methods of searching.  There are a host of additional sites on the search engine, and they continue to develop more.  One day there may be a newcomer but these days ‘google it’ has become part of our common language.

Additional Features of Google

Let’s look at some of the additional features.

For the latest news look at

Are you looking for images for your blog, or assignment, or presentation, try

Shopping is easier with

Keep up to date with the world financial situation and stock markets with

If you are looking for a location, forget the old paper maps and go to

Should you need a video for your presentation there are a multitude on

Google purchased Youtube which is now the most popular place on the internet for sharing videos – go to

Looking for a new book to read, allows you to read excerpts and locate a store that is selling the book

For the more academic, Google is working on which will allow access to a academic papers

Try some of these additional features Google for yourself.

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