Making the Web Dynamic

In order to make websites more dynamic and user-friendly, additional technology has been developed. Ajax is a technology that allows the easy exchange of data and the automatic update of a web page.  This technology allows this to happen without the user needing to refresh the page.

Ajax – Asynchronous Java Script and XML is the means through which this is done.

This is a complicated technology for the newcomer, but we will look at each part of name, ‘Ajax’.

Asynchronous – it is described as asynchronous because as the request is being sent to the server, it is continuing to complete the request without waiting for the response.  The two events do not happen simultaneously.

Java Script –  is a popular computer programming language, and the most commonly used for this exchange of data.  It allows for interactive effects within browsers.

XML – is an ‘HttpRequest’ using an API (application-programming interface) for transferring data between a client and a server.  This data generally uses an XML (Extensible Markup Language) format, but can also use plain text.

 There are other technologies available that are able to do the same thing, but Ajax is the most efficient and widely used.  Using other technologies, such as PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor), or ASP (Active Server Pages) require the pages to be refreshed and reloaded.

 Ajax works away silently, while you ‘surf the net’.  When you type in a search, Ajax is often responsible for the suggestions that are listed as you type.  Facebook uses Ajax and through this technology you are able to view older material.

Ajax enables web pages to be updated without the entire page being reloaded and leads to a more interactive and website.

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